If you are a homeowner in the San Gabriel Valley you have probably encountered the important topic regarding drought and questions on how to save water. Every day we use many gallons of water and one culprit is our garden. Below is some great information about ways to be water wise when landscaping and choosing the right plants for the desert environment that we live in.
As Albert Hammond rightly put it “It never rains in Southern California” and according to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency it is estimated that the American household uses 320 gallons of water per day! Furthermore, it is estimated that 30% (almost 60% for the South West) is for outdoor uses and half of that water is for watering lawns and gardens. Here in Pasadena we use more water on lawn and landscaping irrigation than for any other purpose and most people overwater their lawns by 50-70%. To summarize, it is not difficult to understand why there is a drought problem but the great news is that there are many simple ways for home and garden owners to both save the environment and also save money!
We often forget that we live in a desert climate and many times try to maintain a lush garden with beautiful plants that are not native to this environment and require heavy watering. Try to explore the many colorful and fragrant plants that are native and drought resistance. A few examples are the: The Evening Prime Rose, known for its fragrant pink-white flowers. The Douglas Iris with its beautiful light-purple, blue, white or cream flowers. Scarlet or Western Columbine have delicate red-orange flowers and attract butterflies in the spring! By grouping plants together according to their water needs you will avoid over watering plants. Elevated plant beds also help plants being more efficiently watered. The Pasadena water-smart landscaping guide contains excellent information of what plants to pick and how to water your garden without wasting water.
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To make sure that you are only watering with the amount of water the plants actually need, install timers, sprinklers and emitters. This helps you to keep track of your watering and you can simply sit back and enjoy your blossoming garden! Using mulch around your plants and along walkways does not only prevent weeds but also helps reduce water use on bare areas. By preventing weeds you will also reduce the use of pesticides.
These are only a few suggestions to get you started. Let us know your own tips for saving water in your home and garden, we would love to share them!
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