On Sunday May 17, the grounds of the Pasadena Museum of History will be transformed and take visitors back in time. An encampment by the 71st Pennsylvania, Company B “The California Regiment” will be set up and invite you to experience and learn about the life of the soldiers and their families during the Civil War.
The Museums of the Arroyo Day (MOTA) is celebrating it’s 26th Anniversary and welcome you all to experience an exciting day of a diverse mix of art, history and architecture. Six museums in Los Angeles and Pasadena will open up their doors from 12pm – 5pm, free of charge. Included in the list of museums are; The Gamble House, Heritage Square, The Los Agneles Police Museum, Lummis Home and Garden, Pasadena Museum of History and The Autry’s Historic Southwest Museum Mt. Washington Campus.
In Pasadena the Pasadena Museum of History will focus on the Civil War and visitors can engage with the members of the 71st Pennsylvania. The re-enactors dress in authentic uniforms, carry reproduction weapons and camp in period tents. They will portray the life of the soldier in the Union Army of the Potomac with an emphasis on historical research, authenticity, safety, drill and battlefield tactics.
When visiting the Pasadena Museum History, visitors are also welcome to view the Civil War-themed exhibitions in the galleries “When Johnny Came Marching West: How the Civil War Shaped Pasadena” and “Thaddeus Lowe: Chief Areonaut of the Union Army”. For the young visitors there will be hands-on crafting with Art2Go as they will collaborate in the making of a giant quilt, similar to those crafted during the Civil War. Visitors can also tour the historic Fenyes Mansion and the Finnish Folk Art Museum. There will also be food for purchase, provided by Paradise Food Truck.
WHEN: Sunday, May 17 from 12-5pm
WHERE: 470 W. Walnut Street, Pasadena
To find out more about the event CLICK HERE
If you are interested in selling your home, call Irina Netchaev at 626-627-7107 for a private consultation.