Just like most of the Pasadena California residents, this morning at 4:04 am, I was not so gently woken up by the earthquake doing a bit of the shaking and rolling dance in my house. Aahh… there’s nothing like waking up in the middle of the night and not knowing whether or not this is the BIG ONE!
Thankfully, this earthquake was pretty small compared to some of the huge ones we’ve seen around the world recently. However, it being within a few miles of Pasadena and San Marino, at 4.4 magnitude, it felt pretty uncomfortable.
After making sure that my family was fine, this social media gal, tweeted about it and communicated with Tweet friends near and far assuring them that everything was okay in the city of roses. Almost immediately, information about the earthquake intensity and location was communicated by several folks on Twitter and feeling a sense of community and some level of comfort, went back to bed for a few hours of snoozing.
In the meantime, my friend Laurie March, wrote a great post with some helpful hints reminding us that it is important to be prepared. Here’s a small excerpt:
Earthquake Preparedness:
This is a good time to mention having a home inventory done. A photographic inventory of your home’s exterior, interior rooms and features, and all of your belongings and collections will help you speedily make an insurance claim and move on faster. Make sure you leave a copy of your inventory with your home insurance agent and or a safety deposit box or a family member out of town!
Getting your home ready for an earthquake involves some effort. Recent rumblings have reminded me that it’s a sure thing to experience an earthquake if you live in Los Angeles. There are ways to be prepared for The Big One. Find a corner or a closet in your home and begin to prep the most important elements of a survival kit, including a gallon of water, per family member, per day. This is incredibly important!
Emergency organizations remind us that our water line from the tap could be contaminated from ruptured sewer lines, and undrinkable in the aftermath of an earthquake. A two week supply is a great start. You can use normal bottled water containers from the grocery store, but they tend to leak, so camping gear water containers are suggested for their size and true storage capacity.
Other important things to prepare include items for avoiding infection. READ THE REST OF HER EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS POST HERE.
Resources for more Pasadena California earthquake preparedness information can be found here:
A wonderful resource for more earthquake information is this site: http://www.mygreathome.com/safety/earthquake_preparedness/index.htm
LA Fire Department Earthquake Preparedness Handbook: http://www.lafd.org/eqhbtext.htm
Southern California Earthquake Data Center: http://www.data.scec.org/
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