In honor of the Oscars tonight, we’re going to run a photo contest!
Pasadena is known for character homes and old-world charm. We also have lots of homes with porches to enjoy Southern California’s sunshine. Here’s your opportunity to nominate your porch and win a $20 Starbucks card!
Contest Rules:
1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/365thingstodoinpasadena and click LIKE on the contest post.
2. UPLOAD a photo of your porch and tag it #porchcontest #pasadenaviews. Please do NOT publicize your address.
3. SHARE your post photo on your wall.
4. The photo with the highest # of likes by midnight next Sunday, March 3rd will be the winner..
To increase your chances of, tweet a link to your photo with tags #pasadenaviews #porchcontest
I can’t wait to see all the beautiful photos! Good Luck!
Irina is a Top Realtor and the founder and President of Pasadena Views Real Estate Team. She is available to assist you with all of your real estate needs. Email or call her today at (626)629-8439.