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Post Tag: Pasadena real estate

Time for Your Dream Home, Gen X!
During the housing market crash, Gen X homeowners lost more wealth than other generations. Howe [more]
3 Things to Know in the Housing Market Today!
A lot is happening in the world, and it’s having a direct impact on the housing market. The r [more]
Renting or Owning, What Is Better for You?
In a real estate market where home prices are rising, many have begun to reexamine the idea of [more]
2 Myths Holding Back Home Buyers
Freddie Mac recently released a report entitled, “Perceptions of Down Payment Consumer Res [more]
What is Important to Boomers when Selling their House?
If you are a “baby boomer” (born between 1946 and 1964), you may be thinking about selling [more]
The Feeling You Get from Owning Your Home
We often talk about the financial reasons why buying a home makes sense. But, more often than n [more]
How Homeownership Delivers Unsurpassed Family Wealth
There are many financial benefits to homeownership, but probably none more important than its a [more]
4 Reasons to Buy A Home This Summer
Here are four reasons to consider buying today instead of waiting. [more]