The California Association of Realtors findings show that ˜Multiple photographs/Slideshows continue to be the online feature with the highest rating among all online features, followed by ˜Map/Directions.
I have always wondered why in todays day and age of technology and digital cameras, there are still Pasadena homes listed for sale every day without a single photo. Digital cameras are inexpensive. They allow real estate agents to take a ton of home photos and then pick the best ones.
So, whats the problem? There is absolutely no excuse for not having a photo listed in the Pasadena Multiple Listing Service.
Pasadena home sellers, please make sure that you see your Pasadena Real Estate Agent snapping away photos after you have prepared your Pasadena home for sale.
Heres why?
1. A photograph is almost always the first element that connects the buyer with your Pasadena home. It is the handshake, the first impression, the thing that cuts through the clutter to create an emotional connection with the buyer.
2. Multiple photographs of your Pasadena home are needed for Multiple Listing Service (MLS) input, internet marketing, property brochures, flash presentations and print advertising. There is no way to avoid taking photographs to property market your Pasadena home.
3. Many times, the buyer will decide whether or not to visit your home and the agent will decide whether or not to show your home based on the quality and presentation of the photos.
The California Association of Realtors findings show that ˜Multiple photographs/Slideshows continue to be the online feature with the highest rating among all online features, followed by ˜Map/Directions.
Point2 conducted a study monitoring listings over a 30 day period and found that properties listed with only 1 photo generated 5 views while listings with 21 or more photos generate over 77 views. Thats quite a difference!
Another study compares the number of photos to the number of Days on Market (DOM). The findings show that listings with more photos sold faster. The findings are fascinating:
1 photo = 70 Days on the Market
6 photos = 40 Days on the Market
16 to 19 photos = 36 Days on the Market
20 photos = 32 Days on the Market
Also a fascinating find: listings with fewer photos sold for less.
1 Photo = 91.2% of Original Price
6+ Photos = 95% of Original Price
According to these findings, a $600,000 home, sporting only one photo, could sell for as much as 3.8% LESS or a loss of over $22,000, just because there was only one photo accompanying the listing. More amazing is the fact that only 12% of real estate agents posted the maximum 20 photos.
Pretty powerful statistics!
Multiple Listing Services are cracking down on real estate agents who do not post home photos when they list their properties into the MLS. Unfortunately, Pasadenas and Arcadias MLS services (ITEC and IMRMLS) do not have this policy yet.
So what can you do to ensure that your Pasadena home is presented in the best light?
* When interviewing your Pasadena Real Estate Agent, ask how many photos they usually take and use to market their listings.
* Ask to see samples of photos both in flyers and on-line. See how their home listings are presented. Look for quality photos focusing on best features on the house. Photos that create emotion!
* Request to review the photos of your Pasadena home before they are added to the Multiple Listing Service.
* Insist on the maximum number of photos that the MLS allows.
The Internet is the most powerful tool you can use when buying and/or selling your Pasadena home. According to results, photography does sell real estate. And when you choose to have high quality professional images for your marketing tools, you stand to gain by:
– Generating more interest for your Pasadena home
– Attracting more viewers/leads
– Entertaining higher offers/selling price
– Enjoying a faster sale of your Pasadena home
This all translates into less stress and a smoother transition to your new home!