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Showing by category: Economic Updates

Keys to Selling Your House Virtually
In a recent survey by realtor.com, people thinking about selling their homes indicated they’r [more]
Will This Economic Crisis Have a V, U, or L-Shaped Recovery?
Many American businesses have been put on hold as the country deals with the worst pandemic in [more]
The Pain of Unemployment: It Will Be Deep, But Not for Long
There are two crises in this country right now: a health crisis that has forced everyone into t [more]
Today’s Homebuyers Want Lower Prices. Sellers Disagree.
The uncertainty the world faces today due to the COVID-19 pandemic is causing so many things to [more]
Think This Is a Housing Crisis? Think Again.
With all of the unanswered questions caused by COVID-19 and the economic slowdown we’re exper [more]
What If I Need to Sell My Home Now? What Can I Do?
Every day that passes, people have a need to buy and sell homes. That doesn’t stop during the [more]
Recession? Yes. Housing Crash? No.
With over 90% of Americans now under a shelter-in-place order, many experts are warning that th [more]
Why Home Office Space Is More Desirable Than Ever
For years, we’ve all heard about the most desirable home features buyers are looking for, fro [more]