Upper Hastings Ranch is an area in North East Pasadena California just North of Sierra Madre Blvd and East of New York Drive. And, of course, it’s just above Lower Hastings Ranch. 🙂
The area is named after Charles Houston Hastings who used to own a ranch named “Mesa Alta Rancho” which was sold in 1942 for $1Million. The land was then subdivided into luxury housing tracts. Initially, 600 homes were built in the Lower Hastings Ranch area back in the early 1950. The Upper Hastings Ranch was developed mainly in the 60s.
This neighborhood is known for its Christmas decorations where families, beginning way back in 1957, decorated their homes with particular themes based on the street they lived on.
Hamilton Park is a local park that sits atop of the Jones reservoir. It’s located at 3680 Cartwright Street and features two tennis courts, a basketball court, a horseshoe pit, three baseball diamonds, kids play equipment, a picnik area, bleacher seating and it sits on 6.4 acres.
Homes for Sale in Upper Ranch North East Pasadena:
[idx-listings linkid=”82996″ count=”25″ showlargerphotos=”true”]Interested in getting more information about Upper Hastings Ranch? Give us a call at 626-629-8439. As always, we’re here to answer any of your real estate questions.