Day 297 takes us to South Pasadena.
Since this is Sunday morning, I’m thinking Sunday brunch and Firefly Bistro comes to mind. On a beautiful spring day like today, sitting under a tent enjoying the morning breeze is a lovely way to start a day.

Firefly Bistro is owned by Monique King who was a former executive chef at Border Grill and her husband, Paul Rosenbluh. The food as described by her father, Carl Weintraub, co-owner of this South Pasadena restaurant, as Modern American Bistro.
The brunch menu is extensive – various omelets, pancakes, corn & shrimp cakes, Vietnamese grilled shrimp salad and burgers. They also have what they call small bites – currant scones, maple bacon donuts, brioche french toast. Enough to please any palate… This is not an all you can eat brunch, you will be ordering from a menu. The presentation is beautiful and the atmosphere is casual and laid-back.

There’s live music and currently Barry “Big B.” Brenner is entertaining us with his Blues, Rags and Stomps!
Mimosas, Bloody Marys and Sangria drinks are claimed to be the best in town!
Sunday Brunch is served from 11 am to 2 pm.
Wednesday nights are saved for their Wine & Song Series where they feature 2 accomplished song writers each week. Plus artists are just invited to show up and play… so you’ll never know what the evening will bring. Takes place between 7 pm and 9:30 pm
And Thursday nights are dedicated to Burgers, Beer & Blues – from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Also, both chefs Monique and Paul will be appearing in the new NBC TV Show – America’s Next Great Restaurant – where they will be mentoring contestants and helping them win the Grand Prize – their own restaurant chain! The show appears tonight at 8 pm.
Firefly Bistro
1009 El Centro St
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 441-2443
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