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Post Tag: National real estate statistics

Don’t Wait To Sell Your House
We’re in the ultimate sellers’ market right now. If you’re a homeowner thinking about sel [more]
Hope Is on the Horizon for Today’s Housing Shortage
The major challenge in today’s housing market is that there are more buyers looking to purcha [more]
The Right Expert Will Guide You Through This Unprecedented Market
In a normal market, it’s good to have an experienced guide coaching you through the process o [more]
Why This Is Not Like 2008 Again
During the Great Recession, just over a decade ago, the financial systems the world depended on [more]
Home Price Appreciation Is as Simple as Supply and Demand
Home price appreciation continues to accelerate. Today, prices are driven by the simple concept [more]
In Today’s Market, Listing Prices Are Like an Auction’s Reserve Price
For generations, the process of buying and selling a home never really changed. A homeowner wou [more]
Why You May Want To Cash in on Your Second Home
When stay-at-home mandates were enforced last year, many households realized their homes didn� [more]
Dreaming of a Bigger Home? Why Not Buy It This Year?
Are you clamoring for extra rooms or a more functional floorplan in your house? Maybe it’s ti [more]
What’s Motivating People To Move Right Now?
This year, Americans are moving for a variety of reasons. The health crisis has truly reshaped [more]